Policy & Law
Stay well-informed about the ever-changing landscape of policies and laws that impact choices for students, parents, and educators.

Former New York charter school authorization boss brings her tough but fair reputation to Florida
When Florida lawmakers established the first statewide Charter School Review Commission in 2022. The National Association of Charter School Authorizers also weighed in, saying that forcing school districts into sponsorship of schools they didn’t authorize would cause district officials to disengage, weakening charter oversight. That was before Susie Miller Carello... READ MORETexas 2025 debate resurrects Edgewood Horizon claims
The current debate over ESAs in Texas has brought irresponsible claims about the Edgewood Horizon program back to life. A voucher program funded by philanthropists, Edgewood Horizon made all Edgewood...
READ MOREIt all keeps adding up
I received some interesting responses to last week’s post where I showed some math on how few votes it could have swung control of the Arizona State Senate in the...
READ MOREUtah scholarship lawsuit threatens ‘a rich blessing’ for families
Maria Ruiz is at the hospital again. She’s with her husband, Carlos Dominguez, who is still receiving care to help him recover from health issues after suffering a stroke in...
READ MOREArizona legislative races may have swung on K-12 choice in 2024
Arizona’s politics might be described as “Chaotic Purple,” but 2024 elections proved quite red at the state legislative level, with Republicans making gains in both the Arizona Senate and House....
READ MORENation’s Report Card documents continued academic decline
The NAEP released 2024 results last week, and the results continued to disappoint, especially for disadvantaged student groups. While scores began to recover among high end performers, the decline continued...
READ MOREHera Varmah: National School Choice Week celebrates the power of education
As we celebrate National School Choice Week, we’re reflecting on educational freedom’s profound impact on students, families, and communities. This week, we’re not just celebrating the opportunities that school choice...
READ MOREBootleggers don’t find religious tolerance convenient or profitable
In 2022 I wrote a piece here at Next Steps declaring myself President of the “Religious Charter Schools Should Be Permitted, Mandatory and Non-existent” club. Every other group under the...
READ MOREShall we play a game?
Australian defense economist/YouTube PowerPoint superstar Perun has provided another insightful video which is must-see viewing for anyone seeking to understand politics. US Navy Procurement Disasters – The Littoral Combat Ship...
READ MORECan you get ‘enough’ school variety?
Last week I had an opportunity to speak in Boise, Idaho, on school choice and the Arizona experience. In an interview on NPR, I addressed claims by choice opponents that...
READ MOREFive faces of 500,000: These Florida families took control of their children’s educational destiny
As the movement for education options gains momentum across the country, there remains a clear national leader: Florida. This school year, the Sunshine State’s education savings account programs are larger...